neuLASH is Coming Soon to the United Arab Emirates and Will be Taking Beauty to New Lengths
Dubai – The exciting eyelash enhancer, neuLASH will soon be launching its nutrient-rich formula to the UAE and will be sold in exclusive high profile clinics and spas in the UAE. The product’s scientific approach to beauty delivers benefits beyond just conditioning as it’s made of fortified active eyelash technology that dramatically improves the weak appearance of eyelashes in just 30 days.
A simple once a day application as an eyeliner makes it easy for anyone to introduce the serum into their evening beauty regime and achieve luscious and longer looking lashes.
A 6ml container of neuLASH should last approximately 120-180 days, if used as directed. Retail price: 795.00 AED
A 3.2ml container of neuLASH should last approximately 60 -90 days, if used as directed. Retail Price: 455.00 AED